European Software-Defined Vehicle of the Future (SDVoF) initiative – Vision and Roadmap

 Learn about European Software-Defined Vehicle of the Future (SDVoF) initiative – Vision and Roadmap!  The document includes objectives and goals of SDVoF initiative, collaboration across European Original Equipment Manufacturers  and suppliers, tools and chains designed for the SDVoF, defined governance structure, expected results and other related elements.

The authors of the document: FEDERATE Consortium

The document is approved by the Sherpa Governance Group by written procedure on April 10th 2024. 

Please use this link to download the Newsletter (PDF) or you can view it below:

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Data Management Plan

Data Management Plan describes how the tasks that have to be completed within the project will affect data collection, analysis, processing, sharing and dissemination. As the project’s main objectives are to coordinate and support other RDI activities, no experimental research data will be created within the project. Furthermore, the methodology of naming and the process and specification of data storage is explained. It also reflects the precautions on data security within the FEDERATE project. Ethical aspects of data collecting, storing and processing are also addressed by this document.

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