About the company
Founded in 1994, ETAS GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH, represented in twelve countries in Europe, North and South America, and Asia.
ETAS provides the solid foundation for automotive players to build their software business in every automotive domain.
ETAS’ portfolio includes vehicle basic software, middleware, development tools, cloud-based operations services, cybersecurity solutions, and end-to-end engineering and consulting services for the realization of software-defined vehicles. ETAS product solutions and services enable vehicle manufacturers and suppliers to develop, operate, and secure differentiating vehicle software with increased efficiency. As described in the ETAS North Star “Empowering Tomorrow’s Automotive Software” – ETAS intends to shape the European Software defined Vehicle ecosystem.
In FEDERATE, ETAS acts as a Lead Beneficiary of WP3 (Common Understanding) and Leader of the Task T3.1 (Refine definitition of modular building blocks and create prioritized backlog) and T3.2 (Alignment with running projects about implementation of building blocks). ETAS is alo one of the strategic FEDERATE partners and belongs to one of five subgroups of Tiers and tool providers bringing in vast experience on how to develop, build, test and maintain missleware.